Timothy Maurice explores how clothing impacts our psychology in a concept called Enclothed Cognition, and why even in quarantine, your style matters. He reached out to listeners and they shared what they’re wearing while working from home.

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31.03.20 Pt 2 - In the times of a pandemic lockdown, how do the arts survive? Can theatre and musicians make it through these testing times? The most vulnerable in our society need all the empathy we can give them at this time... if you are an addict, what are your options to stay sober and connect with support structures? Academia needs to keep going of course, and technology is playing its part. We reconnect with our Epson entrepreneurs for more lessons on how to succeed with your small business. King Henry VIII was a man of hedonistic excess like we have rarely seen - Blind History this week details the wives and women of Henry's vicious hegemony.

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31.03.20 Pt 1 - What are the challenges of being a parent and having to homeschool a child during a pandemic? Children never have enough in the way of snacks, that's the real cost of having them... not the education and health costs. Should governments save artists? Is compliance good, and should you rat on your neighbours who don't comply 100% with the lockdown?

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What's it like to test positive for Covid-19, and what is the mental side of being diagnosed with such a virus? With a surname like Mandela, there is an honour and lineage of greatness to carry. Ndaba Mandela and his team have started The Mandela Institute for Humanity. The values and principles of his grandfather are transferable in his mind, and they have grounded him in everything he is emploring us all to take up as Africans. How should we deal with 21 days of lockdown? What lessons can we as humanity learn from this pandemic? Apparently green fingers, and something else which is green, are the way forward.

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27.03.20 Pt 1 - Day one of #Lockdown2020 and we have the Mol cat report, live from Leigh-Ann's feeding room. What would you do in a real purge? Is drug dealing an honourable side hustle? If you are a lawyer, how do you know if a case is urgent... like get a judge out of the bath during Covid-19 urgent? Prince Charles has the coronavirus, let's be honest Prince William is getting his skull circumference measured as we speak. And what does that actress Markle think about all this?

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17.03.20 Pt 1 - If you have a cold, you are dying... just accept that. In times when children have to be off school, au pairs should charge 10 times more than usual, supply and demand. As Covid-19 lockdowns rise, what personal projects will you take on board which you had put on ice? Gord Laws didn’t wear a shirt on his Instagram post, how should we feel about shirtless videos on Instagram? Panic buying is off the charts in South Africa, which means all toilet paper is off the shelves! And Gideon Vorster joins us from China to give us a Covid-19 update.

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16.03.20 Pt 1 - Cyril was late for the biggest pandemic address of the nation in… ever! What does Covid-19 actually mean? What’s the most amount of people you should have at your wedding? If you cough and sneeze , we no longer say “bless you”... we just move away from you and send thoughts and prayers. Serbia has a pretty hectic approach to the rules around corona. George Carlin told us we’d be panic-stricken, but he told us 20 years ago. And what would you take into a covid bunker?

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