How is the coronavirus pandemic affecting the advertising and marketing worlds? That's what Gareth discusses with Sean Donovan. As the President in Asia for TBWA - known for disruptive ideas that locate and involve brands in culture, giving them a larger share of the future - Sean definitely knows more than a thing or two about this.

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Mandy Wiener has been keeping a fascinating perspective during South Africa's lockdown - interrogating everything from who some of the political decision makers are, to weighing out the pros and cons of a cigarette ban. And of course, a catch-up with the award-winning journalist wouldn't be valid without also touching on how organised crime is thriving in a time like this... and how her gangster contacts are doing!

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How does a titan of industry balance health, family and business during lockdown? How long will it take us to return to full economic activity? Which industries are likely to be Covid-19 proof? Though he misses the gym, Vusi Thembekwayo gets up at the same time every day, so that he can continue to lead his team and serve his clients during a time of tremendous chaos. We are now in the new normal... this is a time for the strong to lead - and lead he shall!

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How does an award-winning British broadcaster, newspaper columnist, barrister and former politician end up being in lockdown in South Africa? David Mellor QC chats to Gareth Cliff about how his holiday in South Africa was extended to 'lockdown'. Having had an illustrious career in politics serving in the Cabinets of Margaret Thatcher and John Major, how does David Mellor QC feel world leaders havefaired since the onset of Covid-19? Never shy of an opinion, he is unreserved about where the blame for this pandemic lies. And with his love of the arts, music and football, how does he fill his days during the lockdown?

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Being one of Africa’s greatest singers ever, how does a legend deal with not being able to sing for her adoring fans? Has the ministry been helping artists in South Africa during lockdown? On a personal level, are there any skills she's developing? How has she embraced online meetings? Record labels and artists in South Africa need to have an earnest conversation about fair pay, is this the time to come to the table? How can the wealthy help the vulnerable?

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Cosmic infinity and feeling free go hand in hand. What is it like for one of the leading astronomers on Earth to be confined by law to his home? Can he find inspiration in solitude? Technology allows us to chronicle our lives like never before, the professor has an app suggestion which will improve your camera skills in no time. Can sanity be found in the stars above?

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Carolyn Steyn's regular schedule - which includes a radio show, her charity work with 67 blankets, and an improvised cardio routine of running up the stairs - has helped to maintain some normalcy during the Covid-19 lockdown. To her shock, she hasn’t fought with her husband once so far, but to her delight the world has shown unilateral empathy where needed... and she expects this to continue beyond lockdown. BC and AC will take on a new meaning - AC, After Covid will be different, but better. She is proud of her president and proud of her fellow citizens. A theatre performer and lover for life, she will do what she can to help the show go on!

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Two budgies, a chicken, and a bobble head of Jesus. No that’s not a Scandinavian indie band’s name - it's the lockdown reality of 'That Romantic Afrikaans Rapper', Jack Parow. As a man who is always travelling, the lockdown has been a double-edged sword mentally, the rest has reinvigorated the creative juices... but the rush of performing in front of a live crowd cannot be replaced by love nor money. It’s been 10 years of the edgy 'zeff' star producing hit after hit. Jack also has an exclusive announcement, there's something special to come for his fans!

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Though the new comedy club he had just opened with his business partners a year ago had to shut down due to Covid-19, fortunately this quick-witted comedian didn’t have all his eggs in one basket. Donovan has written stage comedy off for 6 months, but lockdown has inspired him to create an Instagram show and corporate South Africa has already come on board to sponsor. Living with a professional violinist sounds great - until you remember that she teaches children online for hours... every day! The true creatives will shine through in lockdown, and humour and laughter are the highest form of compassion right now.

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The best comedy often comes from the darkest places. Nina details her struggles with mental health and what cues she looks for to know if she might need some help. Having rid herself of smoking and drinking as vices some time back, she has a deep empathy for those who suffer with addiction. The unhealed wounds of Apartheid are revealing themselves in this pandemic, as South Africa struggles to appease all citizens with its lockdown policies. What does a comedian do to relax? Every day you can expect content to drop on the socials from this hysterical human during lockdown. Sorry excuse me, her black cat's name is who… and the white one is who? Oh yes… and we can’t say this enough, “Thank God for Cyril!"

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