Jaco, as a conservationist at heart, chats to Dr Sara Andreotti about the importance of changing the “drop the nets to save our beaches” practice, as this is disrupting and killing our marine life. They discuss how the SharkSafe Barrier can ensure skills upliftment, jobs and exporting opportunities - while peacefully co-existing with sharks. With a bottom up approach, the community and holiday goers can encourage safer patrol of our shorelines with new and less invasive inventions.

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Our planet is home to an almost incomprehensible amount of living creatures. But there’s arguably only one animal that has the ability to generate fear, awe and controversy in equal measure: the shark. Great Whites are either a danger to humans, the quintessential apex predator, or a problem that needs to be solved - taking a stand on any of those viewpoints means you’re going to come up against opposition from somewhere. And that’s because sharks are largely misunderstood...

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Our planet is home to an almost incomprehensible amount of living creatures. But there’s arguably only one animal that has the ability to generate fear, awe and controversy in equal measure: the shark. Great Whites are either a danger to humans, the quintessential apex predator, or a problem that needs to be solved - taking a stand on any of those viewpoints means you’re going to come up against opposition from somewhere. And that’s because sharks are largely misunderstood.


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