Do you know what you might be putting onto your hands and all over your body as you sanitise during these times? If you don’t, you’ll want to listen to this. There’s great headway being made to prevent SARS-CoV2 contamination, by BioConsulting and their Organic Fresh® Sanitiser. The team tells Gareth more about how their product is a carefully formulated complex, exclusively consisting of natural unique S4L Technology flavonoids and extracts with extensively researched sanitary, health, environmentally friendly and food safety benefits. Despite what you might have heard, it’s not all doom and gloom out there!

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07.04.20 Pt 1 - How old is Boris Johnson? It doesn't matter that he's dating a 32-year-old who is about to have his baby, which makes him a winner. If you need to buy an iron while in lockdown, should that be an essential item? Has this lockdown made Cele and co power hungry? Imagine having a child with a compromised immune system during Covid-19? God still needs your tithes please, private jets don't pay for themselves. If you are feeling sad, just bake and everything else becomes the 'yeast' of your problems.

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Is information overload better or worse than no information at all in a pandemic? What does a doctor do when he’s stuck on the West Coast of America, but he lives on the East Coast? In a bittersweet sequence of events, a new life has joined the Goodman family, while so many are clinging on to theirs. Dr Dennis Goodman (Clinical Professor of Medicine & Director of Integrative Medicine: NYU) unpacks the essence of what we understand about Covid-19 from a medical point of view at this stage. Price gouging with ventilators has reared its ugly head in America, but the US government has come to the rescue. The greatest challenge we now face as humanity is that, to truly comfort those you love, you have to stay away from them. The good doctor urges us to practice humanity... even if it’s just a virtual hug.

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30.03.20 Pt 1 - WW7 is upon us and if you can hear us you made it. We skipped straight from WW2 to 7, we're not mathematicians. How badly do you want your pre-lockdown life back? Leigh-Ann Mol gets very real with us about how she's dealing with #Lockdown2020. If you are feeling pressure to be productive in lockdown, don't... the secret is to always be on the hunt for a nap. If you have kids and are divorced and now you have to look after the kid full-time... well yeah, good luck! Anthea is training like her triathlons are still happening, no excuses!

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27.03.20 Pt 2 - The people one has to feel for are those in a sordid affair in general life, how do you carry on getting saucy nookie on the side in these #Lockdown2020 times? Michael Flax is basically trying to start a swanky kibbutz in the northern suburbs of Johannesburg... and he's discovered a new type of tree in the process. Those in essential services are on the front line and deserve our respect for their selfless natures. Gert-Johan Coetzee explains the power of a celeb wearing a garment which he has designed. The South African government is not messing around when it comes to the lockdown, an essential services civilian was searched 5 times on their commute to work - luckily they had all the essential documents. Stay safe, stay home!

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27.03.20 Pt 1 - Day one of #Lockdown2020 and we have the Mol cat report, live from Leigh-Ann's feeding room. What would you do in a real purge? Is drug dealing an honourable side hustle? If you are a lawyer, how do you know if a case is urgent... like get a judge out of the bath during Covid-19 urgent? Prince Charles has the coronavirus, let's be honest Prince William is getting his skull circumference measured as we speak. And what does that actress Markle think about all this?

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23.03.20 Pt 2 - What will the world look like post-Covid? The Olympics might get cancelled, and that is a sad reality for humans who have trained for four years. There was a virgin bachelor who made the show boring, who has coronavirus now... but he’s not a virgin anymore, so every cloud has a silver lining. Jane Dutton joins us on the line, is she Benjamin Button’s sister? We hear from Gareth Armstrong, who has just returned from China and he reveals what triggered him and his wife to migrate back to South Africa.

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23.03.20 Pt 1 - The thing about under-reacting in Covid-19 times is that the downside is death, and that doesn’t sound fun. Having said this, should you become friends with anyone in your complex, because what happens when you get healthy? How should you handle being stuck at a wedding with no alcohol? If someone coughs in the grocery store in the same aisle as you, maybe it’s worth staying at home forever more. And does a big forehead mean you are just cooler?

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20.03.20 Pt 2 - Should we laugh at people who claim to have symptoms of Covid-19? There’s a doctor who says sex will save your life in these diseased times. One of the leading sages of our time, Cardi B, says “Coronavirus, this shit is real!” High Rob is taking coronavirus seriously, but he’s not ’Italian serious’. Should parents be allowed to have a favourite child? Pandemics have an interesting effect on society's psychology at large, Dr D joins us to unpack her thoughts on it, and what new behaviours people may need to adopt.

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20.03.20 Pt 1 - How long is too long to be shopping? Lauren in London says they’re also going bonkers with store shelves being empty. Flying is a germ-filled experience... is it possible to avoid coronavirus on a plane, or are you doomed? Oprah and Siya are both eating like dump trucks in the bath right now. There’s a request for humans to only buy 5 items of each product. In South Africa? You must be joking! If you are pregnant, don’t catch Covid-19 because Netflix is reducing quality of stream. And can Xhosa people get the virus?

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