What's it like to test positive for Covid-19, and what is the mental side of being diagnosed with such a virus? With a surname like Mandela, there is an honour and lineage of greatness to carry. Ndaba Mandela and his team have started The Mandela Institute for Humanity. The values and principles of his grandfather are transferable in his mind, and they have grounded him in everything he is emploring us all to take up as Africans. How should we deal with 21 days of lockdown? What lessons can we as humanity learn from this pandemic? Apparently green fingers, and something else which is green, are the way forward.

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06.03.20 Pt 2 - Vodka is not a hand sanitiser. Toilet paper is like gold at the moment, would you kill for the last roll at a supermarket? Don’t go to Italy, you might never come back. If you live in Modena, champagne may come out of your tap... cheers to that! If somebody tries to kill you, it’s perfectly reasonable to divorce them. South African accents are always a train smash in Hollywood movies - why is Harry Potter trying now? And romance is about looks, that’s all there is to it.

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