One of Botswana’s finest exports of all time reveals that as a home body, lockdown for him has been a picnic so far. Fortunately he pivoted a few years ago and was already working digitally, so his business has not suffered. Being OCD, he is always over-stocked with essentials - including booze - so no worries there either. His family in Botswana relies on him for information and a sense of calm regarding Covid-19, and he has done his best to ease their nerves. Although Oneal doesn’t believe he makes good company in real life, his online DJ sets have taken off and the sponsors are flooding in. The music industry in South Africa may have become stagnant, now is the time to evolve and adapt to create new revenue streams. His advice is, be careful who you choose to stay with for lockdown!

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Imagine you suffer from anxiety, and your phone and wifi crash in the first week of a pandemic fuelled lockdown? How does one regulate anxiety, what do you look for physiologically? The booze ban... is it good or bad that South Africa imposed this? Is Africa equipped to absorb the unilateral effects of Covid-19, or should we be concerned? Gender-based violence is a terrible affliction in South Africa's society - how can vulnerable women trapped in hell on earth during this lockdown period with abusive partners call for help? Rosie details the options. Yes you are in lockdown, but you do not have to lockdown your voice!

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Zimbabwe is a nation which finds itself uniquely poised to face this pandemic. What looks like backward ways may very well be an advantage in the long term. Cash-based economies will not feel a credit crunch as 80-90% of industry in Zimbabwe is informal trading. K.F. is fortunate enough to have work in the marketing sector and can work remotely, but he details how a country with a medical system which could barely serve its people in normal times is responding to Covid-19. The Zim people have known empty shelves before... are they hoarding essential goods?

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Though his letter of employment says extinguished, he is quite the opposite. The distinguished Professor Jonathan Jansen is a prolific author and educator, and lockdown for him has meant more marking of postgraduate papers and finishing manuscripts for his next book… same old, same old really. The scholar and avid Blue Bulls fan has interesting observations about the possibility of state authoritarianism becoming a tool of continued terror post lockdown - especially against the vulnerable. As an educator, he lays out ideas of how South Africa’s largely underprivileged schoolchildren can catch up a lost syllabus year. How do the idiosyncrasies of South Africa's economic inequality affect how we should govern the lockdown? He’s happy to wash his hands, but not to sing Happy Birthday… find out why.

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When you work from home regularly and you are an introverted hoarder of music records, the lockdown is something you have been preparing for, forever! South Africa’s government has responded better than most around the world regarding the lockdown. Can parents learn anything from their children in the lockdown? The markets need to be carefully rolled out when economies open up again, because big companies might cannibalise the smaller guys, just like in 2008. As a former Idols judge, what does Randall think will become of South Africa’s music industry and its artists?

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A pandemic brings its own challenges to every individual. If you are in a relationship, those challenges are doubled and depending on the partner that you have, it will reduce or amplify the stress levels during lockdown. Being in the client-facing side of business can be challenging when physical distancing is a state mandated way of life. Lerato has no routine... but as a freelancer, she’s always working anyway, so nothing has changed.

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Unathi doesn’t feel guilty for enjoying the lockdown and that’s okay. Life is pretty normal for the Khaya FM DJ, and luckily her ex-husband has been a champion in taking the kids for the entire time so far. She’s taken this time to spring clean, but she’s not getting caught up in the attempt to be super productive while in lockdown. Will marketing and marketing budgets be a thing of the past once coronavirus has passed us by? As a content creator, she has never been a Netflix person, but that has now changed. Once again she will grace the April cover of True Love for the 6th time. While being in the suburbs is a nice place to be locked down, what’s it like for people in the townships?

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The world for some is an oyster, and some people are the oyster. The king of South African Afrikaans satire, Casper de Vries, is one such human. Ever the creator, his lockdown living will be spent working... a new project is in post-production. Does he have a routine, or is he just taking it easy? He is in lockdown in Tshwane with his crew and they are still getting along. There can be a better world - global suffering tends to bring people together. The world will go on after Covid-19, but for now it's just a bit of RnR with man's best friend. Cas Oppie Kassie, out now on Kyknet!

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Change is not easy for any of us, especially when that change means spending extended time in close proximity with our most intimate partners. Life in lockdown for a therapist is sub-optimal, but sex guru Jonti Searll has gone from analogue to digital in the stroke of a pleasurable transition week. Is it okay to explore our wilder sexual pursuits while Covid-19 is floating around? What precautions should we be undertaking while coronavirus is a threat, can we have sex at all with our partners? In the spiritual sense, what do we do if we are clashing with our partners, but are bound in isolation with them... do we just give up, or is there hope of rediscovering a deeper level of intimacy which will help the relationship grow?

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"The title doesn’t do the job…" feels like a line Peter Matlare might deliver daily to employees and executive colleagues. Covid-19’s enforced worldwide lockdown means that for the first time in global history, commerce and a pandemic are unilaterally at loggerheads and affecting every citizen on Earth - regardless of your nationality, age or economic class. How will global commerce and service delivery evolve to survive? Peter details why a strict regimen is vital to his continuing role at work as a global leader in his sector. Never up later than 6AM, Africa and the world at large can rest assured that this titan of industry is ready for the challenge post-coronavirus, and his optimism can be seen in action, not just words!

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