Modern day couples always complain about how they do not have enough time left to spend with each other. Sometimes they different work shifts, and if not that, there’s always post-work exhaustion.

These problems lead to the classical issue of maintaining the right work-life balance. The one solution to this modern day crisis in romance is working with your spouse. Whether it is opening a business together, or finding a job in the same company, spouses working together have more time to spend with each other. However, just like everything else, this too has its pros and cons.

In studio today we were joined by two wonderful couples – Given and Lerato Mabena from Sokulunga Packaging, and Jonathan and Merlize Jogiat from MJay Media. We were also joined by coach and author of ‘Notes to My Sister – Let Him Serve You’, Kofi Ofori-Boateng.



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