Blind History: Martin Luther King, Jr – Sign Language (SASL)

This sign language interpreted video has been adapted from the podcast ‘Blind History’ – created by and Taylor Blinds & Shutters.

The great leader of the US Civil Rights Movement. An iconic figure who was both deeply spiritual and practical. A pacifist, orator, family man and preacher. There are few who would say he lived long enough to achieve all his bold ambitions, but he lived long enough to make an enormous impact. Join Anthony Mederer and Gareth Cliff as they start the next season of Blind History with Martin Luther King, Jr.

Podcasts – by the very nature of what they are – exclude the hard of hearing community. In order to make it more accessible and share entertaining, informative and compelling podcasts with as many people as possible, CliffCentral is piloting a South African sign language interpreter video from the popular Blind History series.

This is a first-of-its-kind concept, created with Thuli Zikalala (one of twelve SATI accredited interpreters in South Africa).

The aim of the project to remove the barriers to information access and ultimately introduce new audiences to the world of podcasts.

This initiative is sponsored by Taylor Blinds & Shutters.


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