Last year we told you about a company that sends a literal bag of dicks to people for you…

Now a similar company, SHIP/A/BAG/OF/DICKS, is doing something special for April Fools’ Day, and you can contribute!

As their website says:

“BUY ONE GIVE ONE: Order a Bag Of Dicks for your friend or enemy, enter promo code KANYE or TRUMP during checkout, and we’ll send that superstar a Bag Of Dicks for free!”

The company asked, “Who is most deserving to eat a Bag Of Dicks in 2016?” – the clear winners were Kanye West and Donald Trump, but honourable mentions included Josh Duggar, Bill Cosby, Nicki Minaj, Kim Davis, “Drake’s dance moves” and “Every Kardashian/Jenner”.

Read more here.


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Dicks for Donald (and Kanye)