Is your server room also the storage room, hideaway spot for extended tea breaks, and a spot with messy cables for rats to chew on? Stop, and consider the value of your stored data – the risk of losing it due to loadshedding, fire, flooding or theft. Data storage is not your core business, so why not leave it to the professionals who ensure redundancy, stability and flexibility? It’s nonsensical to have premium office space dedicated to something that can be better managed on your behalf. Your data is gold… why not keep it in a safe place? Jaco Voigt chats to Bradley Janse van Rensburg from Ultra DC about the importance of a data centre, and your server and data being hosted offsite. Whether you have one or a thousand servers, this podcast will clear up a few questions you might have about the importance of a data centre. Brought to you by Catalytic.


Data Centres with Bradley from Ultra DC


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Data Centres with Bradley from Ultra DC