Comedian Jonathan May is back to protect all that is holy to him and the people of America with his words of wisdom. But that still doesn’t hold down the lead story of this show… PRODUCER BOBBY IS BACK! Having taken some time to work on some things in life, Bobby is back to throw his opinion around and it doesn’t take long for him and Mark to be back to disagreeing on things.

First up, North Korea has decided to play nice all of a sudden and the world is taking notice. Also seems like South Korea will say and do anything Trump asks them. While discussing this story, Mark tries to paint a visual of the location of North Korea and South Korea. Bobby disagrees with the visualization and all hell breaks loose.

Also, everyone has been watching Kanye for a few weeks, as he has decided to drop bombs everywhere he’s gone. Recently he jumped on TMZ and told everyone “400 years of slavery was a choice”. Was it? That seems crazy, as do the majority of his recent blatherings. The guys discuss!



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