Together with co-host Nikki Abbott, Brent reveals the latest top 5 good news stories. For the inspirational feature they chat to Natasha Nascimento from ‘Redefining Refuge’, Natasha is an incredible South African who lives in America and is changing the face of human trafficking globally, she has fought legislation and is fast becoming a world renowned change maker.


150915 the good stuff brent lindeque

Inspiration of the Week:
Natasha Nascimento –

Charity of the Week:
Redefining Refuge

Top 5 Good News Stories:
1. The story behind the women who discovered humankind’s newest relative… Read More
2. ‘Airbnb’ for refugees matches migrants to Europeans volunteering homes… Read More
3. Man spent years building something that will change peoples lives forever and it wont cost anyone a cent … Read More
4. Generous homeless man gets a second chance… Read More
5. Vending machines that dispense free books to impoverished communities… Read More


150915 the good stuff brent

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The Good Stuff 15.09.15