Together with co-host Jason Greer, Brent discusses the top 5 good news stories of the week. They are joined by Genevieve Dicks from the ‘South African Depression & Anxiety Group’ as well as Nicky Coleman from the ‘Gift of the Joy’ charity organisation.

150901 the good stuff brent jason


Top 5 Good News Stories

Thabiso Moruti is an incredible South African hero, who faced danger & risked his own life to save others… Read More

More than 40 Airlines join the anti poaching movement… Read More

Star Wars Facebook page hits back at a sexist comment… Read More

Emma Watson proves that Ethical Fashion is always in style… Read More

Homeless man who was selling pens to survive is about to have his life changed… Read More


Inspiration for the Week!

Genevieve Dicks from the South African Depression & Anxiety Group who is hosting an event called ‘Moving for Mental Wellness’ – More Info


Change One Thing Idea

Ways to effectively give back


Charity to get involved in…

Nicky Coleman from ‘Gift of the Joy


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The Good Stuff 01.09.15