Brent and Kerri get to chat to Dominique Little and Rozette Botha… incredible South African women doing good! Plus they bring you the Top 5 good news stories and try unpack the good stuff around the current state of the nation.

Click here to listen to the Butterfly Foundation podcast.



Top 5 Good News Stories

1. South Africa on its knees: Photos of the South Africans gathered in Bloemfontein for massive prayer meeting
2. Law student applied for a cleaning job but got way more than she bargained for 
3. 23 year old has become one of the youngest on the continent to achieve a PhD
4. Perspective is everything… facts about success that every single person needs to read!
5. A police officer in Cape Town spends his mornings doing the most phenomenal acts of kindness


The Good Stuff – MayDay and all the Good that comes with it!