Brent Lindeque and Kerri Stein catch you up on all the good stuff by reporting the news that really matters and focusing on the top five trending good news stories in the world. Then, Dr Dirk Koekemoer, Kelly Du Plessis and Mark Sham stop by to tell us about their amazing projects and initiatives.


160315 the good stuff


Top 5 Good News Stories:

1. Social Media bring South Africans together to really help #RAK16
2. Penguin Swims 8,000KM Every Year To See The Man Who Saved His Life
3. Pink Just Blew Kim Kardashian Away With This Sobering Message
4. This Small Mobile App is Reshaping South Africa And Personal Safety
5. Awesome South African kids take time out to read to abandoned pups




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The Good Stuff – The Khudu Wave