Thanks to versatility in technology and communication, employees can be productive without the need to be office or desk bound. Unified Communication (UC) has ensured not only the mobilisation of a workforce, but has made workflow tools and communication more efficient. UC facilitates collaboration, while merging the world of communication with elements like voice, video, conferencing, recording, screen and file sharing. Jaco Voigt delves into using UC to enhance customer service, the importance of a quality UC supplier, and the trends being developed in the AI and automated sphere of future communication. Brought to you by Catalytic.

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He’s probably been on more Zoom calls than anyone else under lockdown... Rich Mulholland joins the team to talk about adapting to the new normal of doing things, why “Zoom fatigue” is a myth, and a few apps that will improve your virtual experience.

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11.02.21 Pt 1 - If you are in a Zoom meeting, please take your glasses off... we can see ourselves and that's a nightmare! Why has printer technology remained in the stone age? And Bruce Springsteen is on the booze while at the wheel.

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19.10.20 Pt 1 - Evel Knievel's second coming might actually be shopping at Leigh-Ann's shopping centre... and that's 2020 for you. Neighbours can be a nightmare, some of them don't know how much though. How long can you keep booking bogus virtual meetings while actually napping, without getting caught out? If you are extremely beautiful, should you have to wear a mask - how will single people know who to talk to?

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