Ivo Vegter joins the team this week as they have a candid conversation about Zuma, and the figureheads of fractionalisation within the ANC. Can coalitions topple the party? They also delve into the Digital Vibes scandal regarding Zweli Mkhize’s absolution by the ethics committee, and how it just doesn't make sense. And who is behind the Amazon HQ development in Cape Town?

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14.04.22 Pt 2 - Ivo Vegter is a freelance journalist who joins the team to discuss Zuma’s day off from court due to being ill. Which is the worst governed SA province? Will the rotten Eastern Cape beat the Free State for this SHAME award?

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In this edition of The Burning Platform, Muzi Kuzwayo joins us to talk about the true meaning of sacrifice, why South Africans don’t go out and vote, and why it’s important to not fall victim to the “me me me” mentality, but to rather give back and help others.

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31.03.22 Pt 2 - Muzi Kuzwayo joins Phumi and Gareth to have a chat on the importance of individuals not doing things for themselves - but rather for the greater good of others, the true meaning of sacrifice, and much more.

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Solly Moeng joins Gareth and Phumi to discuss the role the government played in failing to regulate the illegal immigration problem that is facing South Africa. They also look at the ANC’s structure, whether it is a dying organisation, or simply a corpse... and Gareth wants to know when we should start building bomb shelters.

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10.03.22 Pt 2 - Solly Moeng joins the team to talk about the xenophobic attacks in South Africa, plus the situation with Russia and Ukraine. Did the cold war ever really end?

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Do you know what the average take-home pay is? JJ Cornish, our expert on all things African, joins the team to have a candid conversation about the South African economy, increase of taxes, the Mozambique situation and more.

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27.01.22 Pt 2 - JJ Cornish - our expert on all things African - joins the team this week to discuss the situation in Mozambique, the AU summit in Ethiopia, the South African economy and more.

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29.01.21 Pt 1 - Siya was in a car accident and doesn't know how to respond to people being worried about him. If push came to shove, would you join a protest - or simply sit it out? Remember the good old days of saving up to buy a CD... well that era is coming to an end soon.

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20.11.20 Pt 1 - The SABC is an analogue product in a digital time, they don't have wi-fi. If you work at a company and the board earns all the money, how should the workers feel about it? How difficult is it to cross the South African border illegally? Reporter Lindokuhle Xulu took his journalistic endeavour to a new level to prove the porous nature of border control in South Africa. Imagine you had woken up from a 2019 coma in 2020! It seems the Pope is into Brazilians... who can blame him?

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