It’s not the most obvious subject when it comes to technology, innovation and sustainability, but sanitation should be on your mind. If you don’t have sanitation, your life deteriorates and disease takes over; but if you do have it, you simply flush and forget. Professor Christopher Buckley has dedicated some 40 years to the Pollution Research Group, and along with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, has studied and explored the challenges South Africa faces in water use and sustainability. He chats to Gareth Cliff about where we’re at and what’s next in human waste management.

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The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) is already making striking change to the continent of Africa, proving to be a wave of impact that we can't help but take notice of. It brings innovation, technology and endless possibilities with it. But, how ready are we for it? As the founder and chief executive of Genesis Analytics, the largest economics-based consultancy in Africa, Stephan Malherbe elaborates on why we all ought to be equipped because the future is now.

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Food security and food technology are major Fourth Industrial Revolution buzzwords - and not just because we need to find new ways to sustain ourselves and the planet. There are brilliant ways technology and innovation are taking us forward - and Leah Bessa is at the forefront of these. She’s making insect ice-cream, and she swears it’s delicious. She chats to Gareth Cliff about her business Gourmet Grubb, and food science in the 21st Century.

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