22.02.21 Pt 2 - In his quest for living in the moment, Siya recently got a piercing and is now having trouble sleep. Would you spend R8,000 on a bottle of wine? Author Nicky Rowbotham then shares a few useful tips on how we can deal with stress better.

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14.12.20 Pt 1 - What are you looking forward to this Christmas, and what are you grateful for? Does the possible second wave of Covid mean we shouldn't be able to get a good tan on the beaches of South Africa? Kay Burley is suspended for 6 months... and now she's going to be South Africa's problem. Have you ever met the Grim Reaper? Leigh-Ann might have, and it's some tale!

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09.09.20 Pt 1 - We don't need more radio DJs, we need more teachers... which should lead to us needing fewer lawyers. Is 'living your best life' a philosophy or rubbish? If you had to look after another person's kids, would you throttle them? If we were in a world army, South Africa would be the cannon fodder.

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