Kanthan Pillay and Koketso Resane join Gareth Cliff and Phumi Mashigo for a lengthy discussion about some recent events in SA politics. The lengthy ballot paper holding a record amount of parties in South African history, the ANC’s statement regarding the Western Cape, and former Israeli ambassador to South Africa, Arthur Lenk joins in live from Israel to give us a status update on the ground, and answer some questions from the team.

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18.01.24 Pt 2 - Gareth and Phumi are joined by Koketso Resane and Kanthan Pillay for The Burning Platform. With much to discuss, the team dive into the lengthy ballot paper, recording more parties than ever in the history of South Africa. Koketso has a simple solution, and Kanthan explains his experience from being in the running. Arthur Lenk joins live from Israel for an update of what’s going on there, and to answer some questions from the team.

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16.05.22 Pt 1 - Gareth tries to catch the lunar eclipse... and South Africa may be home to the world's oldest person. Dr Hanan Bushkin shares some tips on how to deal with mental blocks.

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14.09.21 Pt 1 - At what age should celebrities stop looking for attention, and dressing provocatively? If someone brought up some of your tweets from 2011, would you be cancelled? Then Phil Coetzer joins the team to talk about the track day he and Gareth recently had.

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07.04.21 Pt 1 - “I wanna be a Simba chippie” is just one of the many jingles that the guys reminisce about... feeling old yet? At your big old age, are you still able to do long division? And Sean Sanders is back to update the team about the world of crypto.

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