Malusi Gigaba is vulgar. That’s the word my very grand grandmother would have used. Another word that describes the crass materialism, ostentatious displays of money and possessions, and desire for celebrity in our political elite is parvenu. It’s meant to be an insult, and has nothing to do with whether or not you’re a nice person. It has everything to do with that veneer of acceptability, a craving for inclusion and a gnawing emptiness that no amount of money can satisfy. Perhaps we need to look at the disease and not the symptoms so that we can better diagnose and cure this problem in South Africa...

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18.02.20 Pt 2 - If there is stuff on your phone that you don’t like, how likely are you to be blackmailed for that? If you need to find someone, don't expect the Melville shooter sketch artist to help you. Google are doing their best to give people free wifi, but the Cape Flats are beyond help. The 5 richest people in the 20th century were so rich they've never been matched. Comedian extraordinaire, QwaQwa's funniest man, Mo Mothebe is in studio with us to detail Bafunny Bafunny.

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Want to get some global perspective on prime property and wealth? Knight Frank has crunched numbers and done thorough research to launch their 13th edition of The Wealth Report. It’s an annual publication that includes the Knight Frank City Wealth Index; price movements across 100 luxury residential property markets; the results of Knight Frank’s Luxury Investment Index; and, the Attitudes Survey. To break some of this year’s findings down, Gareth Cliff chats to CEO of Knight Frank South Africa, Richard Hardie.

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