Gareth wants to know why celebrities are so desperate to showcase their wealth, and why some are so focused on sharing every part of their personal lives with their fans. Dr Hanan offers some possible explanations.

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Everyone knows the story of Joan of Arc - the patron saint of France, the heroine who was burnt at the stake for her valour and her faith. History has been less kind to Gilles de Rais, a man whose story is less heroic and more macabre. In the dungeons of his castle, the sounds of chains, the heat of fires, and the screams of children became his legacy. But did any of it really happen? Was he a mass murderer of children, or a victim of his wealth and military success? Those secrets are buried under stone and ash and legend, and we may never know for sure...

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DCX Bullion’s Founding Partner and CEO, Deon Rebello joins the team to talk about what South Africans can do to protect their wealth, and why bullion is better than money in the bank.

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21.12.20 Pt 1 - The South African beach restrictions debate rages on! It’s been a year that’s driven us to drink, but seriously - it’s 2020. should we still be engaging in drinking competitions? Hypothetically speaking, if the US President and his entourage are killed, is there a backup plan for someone else to keep lying to us? And finally - sometimes leftovers just taste better.

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27.11.20 Pt 1 - If you make a billion dollars, should you share it with people or would you rather stick your middle finger up at greedy governments who plan to steal your money and call it tax? If you like the idea of pushing the limits, you would have loved the Roman idea of orgy rooms and vomitoriums. How far would you travel for good food?

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23.11.20 Pt 2 - People often think the best job on Earth is to be a famous singer or actor... people are dumb, because the best job in human history exists in South Africa at the PIC - you won't believe the terms and conditions and paid leave which comes with the package! How do we feel about wealthy people who flaunt it? What are some hilarious old people noises? What makes certain violins priceless? Davina Mae Gordon joins the show to discuss being in an orchestra, playing a concert with Kanye West, and her love of teaching young children to master her labour of love, the violin.

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Is it okay to be rich and flaunt it? Especially in a country where unemployment is rampant, and increased poverty is the serious collateral damage of lockdown? Gareth Cliff chats to Kenny Kunene, Christall Kay and Joe Cimino. Plus special guest Yusuf Omar talks the game changing space of mobile journalism.

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05.11.20 Pt 1 - Is there any point in being rich in an awful country? What is the actual point of the Zondo Commission? Blood donation is unlike any good relationship - you have to be able to deal with massive pricks for it to be successful. How did your mom find out that you are sexually active? Jacob Zuma is ill again and he just can't make it to court. One of the British princes had coronavirus... yes yes we know, who cares!

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08.09.20 Pt 2 - Should we save money for the future, or should we just travel and live our best life? Donald Trump needs to check his nose for boogers. If you are a loudmouth aunt, you should speak last at funerals. If you married into money, Cyprus is selling citizenship... you just have to pray Greece doesn't want to go to war again any time soon.

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08.09.20 Pt 1 - We can send a man to the moon, but one cable can bring down a whole recording. Click's have now realised that hair is not worth the blow back. Are people getting triggered because it's justified or are we just bored? Are News anchors interesting? What does it take to be rich in South Africa?

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