Kanthan Pillay and Koketso Resane join Gareth Cliff and Phumi Mashigo for a lengthy discussion about some recent events in SA politics. The lengthy ballot paper holding a record amount of parties in South African history, the ANC’s statement regarding the Western Cape, and former Israeli ambassador to South Africa, Arthur Lenk joins in live from Israel to give us a status update on the ground, and answer some questions from the team.

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18.01.24 Pt 2 - Gareth and Phumi are joined by Koketso Resane and Kanthan Pillay for The Burning Platform. With much to discuss, the team dive into the lengthy ballot paper, recording more parties than ever in the history of South Africa. Koketso has a simple solution, and Kanthan explains his experience from being in the running. Arthur Lenk joins live from Israel for an update of what’s going on there, and to answer some questions from the team.

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14.12.23 Pt 2 - Energy expert, Adil Nchabeleng, joins Gareth and Phumi to discuss the state of the grid. Have South Africans had enough of the tyranny of the ANC’s lack of leadership and abuse of resources? Adil does a deep dive into the possible future for the country, should 2024 not bring a change of government.

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The remarkable Jaco van Gass shares his extraordinary journey - from surviving a rocket-propelled grenade blast in Afghanistan, to becoming an adventurer and professional athlete. Jaco's gripping autobiography delves into the harsh realities of war, the challenges of rebuilding his life after losing a limb, and his conquests from scaling the world's highest peaks to competing in international cycling events. Despite facing near-death experiences and navigating uncharted territories, Jaco's unwavering determination and refusal to let adversity define him are profoundly inspiring.

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29.11.23 Pt 2 - South African born British soldier Jaco van Gass had a life-changing experience in Afghanistan, where he almost died and lost his left arm. He has since gone on to climb mountains, win cycling competitions, and help other people to rebuild their lives.

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Eliav Belotsercovsky - the Israeli Ambassador of South Africa - joins the team to discuss the current situation in Israel, the ignorance of South African media, as well as the dispute of the international communications with South Africa in future.

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Bafana Modise and Kanthan Pillay join the panel and conversation gets heated after Kanthan has some strong opinions on the conflict from both sides. Bafana emphasises the argument government makes about supporting an anti-apartheid state, and Phumi believes the ANC is using this conflict as a distraction.

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19.10.23 Pt 2 - The Israel-Hamas conflict has made headlines around the world, and although most of the country has a stance on the situation, it’s a good idea to learn the history behind it. Bafana Modise and Kanthan Pillay join the panel for this contentious discussion.

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This week, JJ Cornish addresses the impact of the Israel/Hamas conflict on the African continent - delving into the countries bordering the region, troops being called up to help, and more. Brought to you by Johannesburg Business School.

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I am not a Jew and I’m not a citizen of Israel. I haven’t even visited Israel. I don’t trace my religion back to a holy site in Jerusalem and I don’t have a problem with Arabs or Muslims or Christians. I’ve read about Abraham, Moses, David and Solomon; the Umayyads, the Abbasids and the Ottomans; I know about the British, the Balfour declaration, Ben Gurion and Golda Meir. I know a bit about the Six-Day War and the Intifada. I might not have any personal stake in the Holy Land, but humanity certainly does - and I’m a human being.

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