South Africa is officially in a double dip recession, strap yourself in! Does Cyril have the backbone to prevent 'triple dip’ by making the necessary pragmatic calls immediately? The unions have ‘declared war’ on Tito and government's plans to cut jobs and save R150 billion in the medium term. The sovereign wealth fund sounds nice, but is South Africa in a position to administer such? Will the world pivot from a China-centric production model after coronavirus stalls all production there? Bloomberg is out, Biden is now the front runner. Brought to you by Nando’s.

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Tito takes a hard line at long last. The much-anticipated Budget Speech felt like Tito Mboweni has at last acted as an economist would by cutting state salaries, which although fiscally responsible, will come with a sting in the tail politically. The thorn in the side though is the R16b which has been extended to SAA as an injection - surely this is just “good money after bad?” Maybe it’s time to let SAA and Dudu Myeni both fall from their lofty heights and become creatures of the past. Apple has projected a $4b loss in profit because of coronavirus and their inability to obtain stock from China. And has the ANC failed the children of this country? Brought to you by Nando’s.

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24.02.20 Pt 1 - How long does it take to get good at talking into a microphone? What happens when you get dragged to a play with friends and then you have to dress up, where does the madness end? In breaking news, we survived the asteroid. Fair dinkum, Margot Robbie is a belter! If you are a mother and you have life insurance, be careful that your daughters don’t kill you.

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Mhlanganisi Madlongolwana joins us for a sizzling episode of The Burning Platform, and he unpacks the highlights and lowlights of Cyril’s 2020 SONA. Is the field of politics in South Africa too emotive to allow for constructive intellectual engagement? As SA finds itself leaving 'Ramaphoria' and that honeymoon period of hope, what lessons if any can be drawn from Deng Xiaoping’s early reforms in China? Is coalition in government progressive, or does it put a stranglehold on bureaucratic processes which need to serve citizens? Did Elizabeth Warren put the final nail in her own coffin in the public debate with Michael Bloomberg? Is the Democratic Party falling apart, or is it just business as usual? Brought to you by Nando’s.

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19.02.20 Pt 1 - Siya is inspired after attending a talk by Fred Roed. It is great to hang around people who want a better life. Gareth reveals he fears that his dentist might be Dr Frankenstein. Is it important that your dentist is nice to you? Why do people resent billionaires so much? Bernie Sanders, does he have any chance at all of beating Trump? Dudu Myeni is about to be officially declared a delinquent. The First Lady of Lesotho is possibly a killer, a witness escaped… stay tuned!

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The State Capture inquiry is moving forward slowly... why is it taking so long? If any prosecutions were to be made in the case, would that affect South Africa's outlook short term for citizens? Mandy Wiener details what she would like to hear from Cyril Rhamaposa at SONA. Along with special guest Mark Heywood, the team tackles the issue of economic disparity... does it create conditions for exploitation? Is AngloGold’s departure from South Africa just business, or a sign of things to come? And Carl Niehaus displays a lack of awareness that defies political logic by any standard. Brought to you by Nando’s.

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12.02.20 Pt 2 - Dolly Parton has lots of big hits, the biggest being on her chest. The hole under the door in a public bathroom is useful, but could also be embarrassing if you need to go for a number 2. Having said that, when you have defiled a public toilet bowl, clean it up! In 2020, why is it still so hard to change toilet rolls in a public bathroom? Gord and his friends once went for a team poo, they are now bonded for life by the experience. Why do we call a clothes horse, a clothes horse... it’s not a horse! Mark Bland of The Q podcast joins us to unpack the state of the American political landscape.

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