Jaco Voigt does a brief overview of what has been covered in previous Unbundled podcasts. He touches on Catalytic being a trusted advisor for all your business’ IT requirements including connectivity, security, surrounded eco-systems, Unified Communication (UC), back-up and restoration of data. In the fast-paced and ever-changing IT space, it is important to remember that your IT solution should support rather than restrict your business, and be mindful that enticing pricing may not serve your business well. Brought to you by Catalytic.

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This week, Jaco from Catalytic continues to simplify and unbundle the digital workplace. A Cisco networking specialist joins the discussion to demystify the core IT infrastructure of a business, as well as Cloud networking specifications. How familiar are you with routers, switches, firewalls, overlays... and how are you protecting your business? This discussion again highlights the fact that small businesses are the gateway to bigger enterprise crimes – are you protected? Brought to you by Catalytic.

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Don't underestimate the importance of device management... it’s more than just ticking the security box via your business’s trusted IT guy! Hacking happens on all levels - the negligence of small businesses is as serious as enterprises. The security risk increases as more staff work remotely on public and home connectivity. Would you as a business owner know if your staff bypass and breach server protocols? Do you even have device protocols? Remember, 'prevention is better than cure'... this episode explores the importance of engaging the security of your business by delving into Android, Windows and Mac devices. Brought to you by Catalytic.

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Technology implementation is a journey and not a brand buy, or a cheap and easy flip of a switch. Are you considering redundancy (failover), back-up and security? This week Jaco chats about businesses needing to take responsibility for their technology implementations by aligning strategies, looking at the business landscape, and long term holistic solutions. Brought to you by Catalytic.

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Thanks to versatility in technology and communication, employees can be productive without the need to be office or desk bound. Unified Communication (UC) has ensured not only the mobilisation of a workforce, but has made workflow tools and communication more efficient. UC facilitates collaboration, while merging the world of communication with elements like voice, video, conferencing, recording, screen and file sharing. Jaco Voigt delves into using UC to enhance customer service, the importance of a quality UC supplier, and the trends being developed in the AI and automated sphere of future communication. Brought to you by Catalytic.

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This week Jaco and his guest get practical about the key benefits of back-ups. What is your business doing to ensure active saving of valuable data? What is your plan should there be a network breach or a physical disaster? Jaco unpacks different ways to ensure that back-ups are done and discusses the harsh realities of the outcome of a global survey done in 2020 that confirms statistics like, “Only 20% of IT professionals follow best practices” and “While nearly 90% of companies are backing up data, only 41% do it daily”. World Back-Up Day is on 31 March – let this podcast shed some light on what you need to do to ensure business security and preparation! Brought to you by Catalytic.

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This week Jaco Voigt and his guests discuss the practical application of risk management and business continuity. In an uncertain world where normal business outages are complicated by targeted cyber-attacks and widespread social unrest, how can you build a strong, resilient organisation that can survive and even thrive with large threats? The nuisances of building the right culture, the dangers of misplaced trust, and the power of asking the right questions are all discussed in this conversation that will empower directors and business owners to start thinking differently about building resilience. Brought to you by Catalytic.

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This week Jaco Voigt delves into the clutter of tech industry jargon. How does wifi get to your device? The nitty gritty of last mile, access points, circuit providers and shared networks... this conversation will help simplify connecting humans. The difference between home and business fibre is all about service, dedicated connectivity with guaranteed speed. Plus, a look at future connectivity ensuring rural revival. Brought to you by Catalytic.

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As the gig economy continues to roll out, how will the lack of cybersecurity in private residences and co-operative workspaces affect how companies keep their data safe? Are there steps which employees can take to safeguard their company from malware and hackers? Are there systems which can render your systems largely lockdown-proof in terms of security? Whose duty is it to look after IT security? What is visibility, and can this help a company have a multi-faceted approach to keeping company data safe? Brought to you by Catalytic.

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The value for companies is still in their data. As your company grows, what storage options should you consider? How does cloud storage work? Does having it mean you can get rid of physical server backups? Should companies test their backups? Gareth speaks to Jaco Voigt from Catalytic for answers.

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