Is your server room also the storage room, hideaway spot for extended tea breaks, and a spot with messy cables for rats to chew on? Stop, and consider the value of your stored data – the risk of losing it due to loadshedding, fire, flooding or theft. Data storage is not your core business, so why not leave it to the professionals who ensure redundancy, stability and flexibility? It’s nonsensical to have premium office space dedicated to something that can be better managed on your behalf. Your data is gold... why not keep it in a safe place? Jaco Voigt chats to Bradley Janse van Rensburg from Ultra DC about the importance of a data centre, and your server and data being hosted offsite. Whether you have one or a thousand servers, this podcast will clear up a few questions you might have about the importance of a data centre. Brought to you by Catalytic.

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What is your business printing and scanning, and how secure is that information? Jaco Voigt chats to Jonathan Osbourne from Altron about true digitisation and document solutions. Print suppression is a buzzword, but habit and human nature will always influence workflow integration aspirations. In a world where data security and layers of security for compliance are critical – this podcast looks at solutions for true business and document digitisation. Staff working remotely need secure access to information – are your documents being printed at home and then being dumped as scrap paper to the local school? Let’s begin with looking at the easiest place to start digitising - at THE PRINT. Brought to you by Catalytic.

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Some strange things happened during lockdown. Previously competitors in the neat freak organisation space, but now best friends with a joint business venture - Jaco Voigt chats to Megan and Kasia from MK Method. MK Method grew from cardboard boxes as demo storage examples, to a niche high-end service of tweaking the homes and offices of busy folk. They make pretty magic by elevating habits and routine with space formation, great design and beautiful products. This force of female fabulousness has seen the start of national franchising, introduction of interior design, a KykNet reality feature, and designing their own product range. You can never be too organised - and sometimes it’s time to just call in the professionals! Brought to you by Catalytic.

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One way videos are a thing! Jaco Voigt chats to Jesse Bosch from Interview ME. As a subscription based or month-to-month product, Interview ME is a self-funded startup software platform business. Although focused on the benefits of building interviews and saving time recruiting talent for your business, any industry relying on one way information can make use of this platform. Asking interviewing questions to candidates and allowing them time to build their responses ensures that any recruiter or manager can watch back to back responses at a time suitable to them - without repeating the same questions over and over. With this programme, the candidate comes before the CV where potential can be identified in person rather than in piles of paper. The one way interview permutations are endless - doctors interviewing patients, schools doing student interviews, applications for post graduate programmes and more.

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This week, Jaco’s guest is a solutions driven businessman who offers bespoke distribution of products and services for education, entertainment and more. It’s still all about connecting people. As a specialist of 20 years in the sound industry, being solutions driven is in Gareth Edwards’ blood. Current industries served by Solutions Unlimited include churches, schools and au pairs teaching online, plus sound and video in restaurants for ambience or live gigs. With Solutions Unlimited’s product offerings including audio recording and streaming equipment, cameras and much more – perhaps you can help #BOOST this business!

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There is a reason they say that a picture is worth a thousand words! Get a refreshing look at drones – UAV – Unmanned Aerial Vehicles... a business brought about by two offshore oil rig inspection engineers that wanted to be more home based. These licenced devices are a quick, efficient and cost effective means to add value to a spectrum of business as extended eyes for the likes of maintenance of buildings, project managing sites, security, and safety and risk assessments. Jaco Voigt chats to John Woodman to find out more.

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Jaco Voigt, CEO of Catalytic and the host of Unbundled, joins The Gareth Cliff Show to make a special announcement about a wonderful opportunity for small businesses.

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They say that data is gold, and with this in mind this week's conversation is all about evolvement and involvement. Businesses (regardless of how small) need to embrace change and ensure that they stay relevant. This discussion looks at 'SILO-citis', and the hurdles regarding digital transformation. Has your business created and fully embraced a digital journey for staff and customers alike? Is your business aware of how the buying behaviour of customers has changed? What is the format and accuracy of your data, and how good is your data governance? Brought to you by Catalytic.

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Jaco and his guest debate the inner workings of 'to cloud or not to cloud'. When your core business is not IT you need to leverage technology to ensure digital transformation and business continuity. The considerations are more than just deciding on a public or private cloud-based solution. Points to ponder - has your business considered the pain points of stability issues for the server like cooling, bandwidth and constant power? Do you have SLAs? What would a reason be to move your server(s)? How safe is your data? Brought to you by Catalytic.

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Jaco and his guest peel back the complex layers of disaster recovery (DR). Recovery of data is not just a spare back-up living on a server. Did you know that there is a difference between recovery and back-up? With multiple users and real time recovery requirements, it becomes key to have a staged process, with a defined process to follow. Are you testing your back-ups to ensure that there is no malware in the files? How frequently is your business doing simulation and testing on recovery files? How many minutes, hours or days will it take to bring your business back up? It’s the dreary stuff that is actually your business’ lifeblood... extra measures are vital in this information age – what are you doing to protect your business continuity? Brought to you by Catalytic.

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