John Meletse is a prominent Deaf LGBTQI activist. He has been living with HIV for the past 19 years. His colourful personality will leave audiences entertained, educated and challenged to view the Deaf community in a different way.

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Does your brand tell stories? Absolutely! And podcasting is the most modern medium of the ancient form of storytelling. Welcome to the era of on-demand listening where people listen when they want to - and listen to what they want to. In 2021, branded podcasts have become an important tool in any company's marketing arsenal...

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This sign language interpreted video has been adapted from the podcast 'Blind History' - created by and Taylor Blinds & Shutters. A tiny little Queen with enormous power – reputed to have had no sense of humour. That’s how most people know Queen Victoria, but in fact she was a progressive, sensitive and quite strident woman in an age where those things were mostly frowned upon. Let’s see if you’re amused in this episode of Blind History...

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This sign language interpreted video has been adapted from the podcast 'Blind History' - created by and Taylor Blinds & Shutters. Perhaps no other American family was ever so photographed, written about, talked about, admired, hated and controversial. Were they brilliant, heroic, extraordinary people or arrogant, competitive, self-absorbed children of a wilful, overambitious patriarch? Most people think they know the Kennedys. We’ll tell you what you don’t know.

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The interpretation of spoken word for the Deaf community is not purely functional, but it is profound, because it is the extension of what should be an inalienable right... the right to access of information. Thuli Zikalala, one of only 11 SA Translation Institute (SATI) accredited interpreters in South Africa, has collaborated with CliffCentral and created podcast history. Here's to continuing to open the world's eyes through Blind History.

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