16.04.21 Pt 2 - Leigh-Ann is curious to know if she is the only one who suffers from sexsomnia, and it seems like she just might be. And find out how to successfully cheat using a certain website.

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05.02.21 Pt 2 - Text or call? Profile picture or no profile picture? Deleting chats after 3 days and cryptic WhatsApp statuses like “where do broken hearts go?” The team delves into their personal social media etiquettes. Musician Cindy Alter talks about her new single and her career that spans over 40 years.

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Easter Monday 2020 will always be remembered as one for the ages. Is there still room for tradition in the 21st century? Eggs or hot cross buns, which human are you? Pickled fish is apparently a treat, who knew? Are South Africans by nature friendlier than everyone on Earth? Dori details an emotional lockdown shopping story. We're joined by special guests - the award-winning comedian Angel Campey, and the man who is a craftsman with 'theatre of the mind', Spike Ballantine. Oh, apparently people are doing puzzles online together... what a time to be alive!

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