Jaco Voigt chats to Andre from Salescollab about the value of building trust and selling solutions that are not a quick fix. Who is your technology advisor – Bob at the bar, or are you embracing your technology with a trusted advisor for long-term integration and engagement? Do you know where your solutions are falling short? What is your data journey? Is your current technology solution fit for the future? Technology solutions are like special effects in a movie - they should be so seamless that you just don’t see them. It should never be a discounting game, as you most often will get (or not get) what you pay for! Brought to you by Catalytic.

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How often are you in contact with your technology partner? Is there value in the platform offering they invoice you for monthly? Jaco Voigt has a thought-provoking conversation with Jacques Malherbe, about the need for collaboration when acquiring technology due to fragmented value chains. As the procurement process becomes increasingly commoditised, businesses are experiencing the pain of having missing pieces in their technology solution puzzle. The trend is for technology solutions to be myopically bought, for today, rather than having technology partners do value trapping for their business by optimising their value offering by participating in skills and needs analysis of the businesses they supply. Brought to you by Catalytic.

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