08.11.23 Pt 1 - Producer Ryan is frustrated that The Simpsons have been compromised by the woke movement, Gareth points out his distaste for face tattoos, and Lebang has some words for the bodyguards protecting the Transport Minister.

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08.11.22 Pt 2 - Should employers have the right to not hire someone because they have tattoos? Ryan got involved in a Twitter war with Chrissy Teigan over Elon Musk… and this week’s episode of Blind History looks at an unusual adopted tsar.

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13.09.22 Pt 2 - What’s the best way to celebrate your birthday if it’s during the week? Ryan shares his love for tattoos, and how he just might gift himself a new one. Blind History is back! We start season 7 with an episode about Captain James Cook.

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21.01.22 Pt 1 - If you have an athletic body and a 6-pack, you’re totally Mbulelo’s type. The team also does a PSA to all the white folks, who always try to prove they are not racists.  

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10.03.21 Pt 1 - Modern medicine keeps pushing the boundaries... now you can get forehead reduction surgery! If you had all the money in the world, what surgery would you consider? Author, Ilana Gerschlowitz speaks to the team about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

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11.03.20 Pt 1 - Is death your only salvation, or is touching your penis the only nirvana available on Earth? Are there good reasons to change your mind, or should everything be a good idea? What’s the best case scenario once you kick the bucket? Is language yours, or can the kids move it further down the line and use LOL in board meetings in 2035? Tattoos are great, but flesh holes are just too far, aren't they? Putin and zombies are here to stay past 2024.

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