With the recent 2021 fiscal spending plans of the National Budget being unveiled by Finance Minister Tito Mboweni... Gareth, Phumi, and Jamie (lawyer, award-winning debater and political analyst) have a candid conversation about the tax increases, debt to GDP, and our government’s simple-minded approach to solving our current financial issues. Brought to you by Nando’s.

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25.02.21 Pt 2 - Is our government too simple-minded when it comes to the increasing of taxes? Are we underestimating the support that Jacob Zuma may have? Facebook vs the Australian government - digital media seems to be changing right before our eyes.

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JJ Cornish shares what is currently happening on the African continent... from Nigeria vying against South Africa, Tanzania, and Burkina Faso for the chair of the African Peace and Security Council, to seven orphans being kidnapped outside the Nigerian capital Abuja, and Britain slapping sanctions on four top Zimbabwean officials for the killing of protestors and other crimes against humanity. Brought to you by Johannesburg Business School.

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05.01.21 Pt 1 - The team tackles the question of how to let everyone know you’re an unhappy homophobe in an environment with 'too much gayness’ - options include email, voicenote or just burning people at the stake. There’s also a discussion about whether repairing family relations can also help your personal life in the bigger picture.

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A US citizen was rescued in Niger by Navy seals, and fortunately it seems there was no violence involved from the insurgents. If you are going to cover elections as a journalist or independent observer, there is an island in Africa which is near paradise and would be a dream getaway while you are at work. The Ivory Coast held its elections and it was the battle of the geriatrics. Could Ethiopia become a hydro-electric power juggernaut over the next few years? Brought to you by Johannesburg Business School.

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