10.03.20 Pt 2 - How do we deal with race relations when things start to get wonky in the workplace? Komodo dragons are doing it for the sisters. If you wear a nose ring, you are letting everyone know that things are never going to get serious. Amanda Bynes assures you she’s fine, she only needs psychiatric help when she chooses it. All stereotypes make it easier for people to get on with life. Also please remember, all reputations are earned. Dr Johnny Keeling, producer of Planet Earth and Blue Planet, joins us to unpack the new masterpiece nature documentary, 'Seven Worlds, One Planet'.

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10.03.20 Pt 1 - If you are going to panic, where are you going to do this panicking? Which businesses will win because of coronavirus? Dubai’s World Show sounds like the best thing in history. If you can expose your kids to the world, do it... they’ll thank you later. If you make a fake bomb threat, we should throw fruit at you in the town square. And Stairway to Heaven might have a devilish act attached to it.

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