Angelo Agrizzi is the man who spilt the beans on Bosasa at the State Capture commission. In this interview, he also spills the beans on Gavin Watson’s death, crooked and venal politicians (and how cheaply they can be bought) and how he was poisoned. With the release of his second book, and plenty of frightening evidence, Angelo isn’t backing down - he’s upping the ante. Hear about the tactics of State Capture, the people involved, and the amounts of money that changed hands.

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03.12.20 Pt 1 - Singing isn't easy folks - if you are not gifted save it for the shower... you're making our ears bleed. How come rich people have terrible internet connections, what are they doing with their money? Is Wikipedia directly plugged into the simulation we are all living in, it declared Maradona dead before the doctors did.

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