Given the recent accounting and auditing scandals, the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants have increased its focus on ethics training in the pre- and post-qualification education space. Jeanne Viljoen, Project Director at SAICA elaborates on what SAICA is doing to address this issue.

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A pleasure shared is a pleasure doubled is the message Chantyl Mulder, CA(SA) and SAICA’s Executive Director: Nation Building, wants to share with the corporate world. As the world looks to heal after a crippling pandemic, why are SAICA so committed to the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? The numbers are in... collaboration is king, both for the bottom line and for society.

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Whether you call them “bean counters” or “those that crunch the numbers”, you can’t get past the importance of efficient accountants. If you run a business, have a voice in hiring of staff, or as an accountant yourself, do you know the benefits of belonging to a professional body? Introducing Be Accountable - brought to you by SAICA, the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants. SAICA is the foremost accountancy body in South Africa and one of the leading Institutes in the world. In this episode, Gareth Cliff speaks to Robert Zwane - SAICA’s Senior Executive: National Projects, Nation Building.

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