The father of communism and socialism, to some a wicked ideologue with the worst plans for social engineering; to others a heroic thinker who conceived of a freer, fairer world order. No matter what you think of him, Karl Marx’s shadow looms large in modern politics, in history, and in society today.

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Commentator on politics, economics and global affairs Phumlani Majozi - Senior fellow at African Liberty joins Gareth and Phumi to have a candid conversation about the current political status of South Africa, if socialism is the answer, government increasing taxes and the high unemployment. Brought to you by Nando’s.

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01.04.21 Pt 2 - The team is joined by Senior fellow at African Liberty, Phumlani Majozi. A commentator on  politics, economics and global affairs, Phumlani shares his thoughts on whether or not socialism is the answer to SA’s problems, and gives his take on the country’s worrying economic state.

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