Johannesburg born and bred, social media brand influencer, who is known for her aesthetic Instagram profile, Vannessa Padi is amongst the elite social media influencers in South Africa. She gives Arye and producer Palesa tips on how to make money from your Instagram profile, being a brand influencer and the ins and outs of taking dope pictures.

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Gareth reflects on the passing of Winnie Mandela, and the unique figure she was. His thoughts were met with misery and confrontation on twitter though, which brings him to making a decision on his future on that platform. Is social media a true reflection of society nowadays, and if so should we be worried? Your latest in news and sport from there, plus Siya's positivity kick for your day.

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The dark age of social media has people chasing fame and gathering social media currency. The team discusses the ups and downs of such fame and its apparent lack of fortune.

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Is the quality of content that is produced in South Africa of the same standard as our international counterparts? Can we really compete in this digital age which has effectively put an end to working within our borders? Join us as we delve into this hot topic.

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