Why do so many young people just want to sit around and get social grants instead of trying to get a job? Dr Hanan explains how people tend to stick with what they know, regardless of what they want or know is good for them.
Read more16.01.24 Pt 1 - Gareth goes off about the Social Grant system in South Africa, after some scary stats were released about the number of recipients. Jack has some thoughts about the ANC birthday celebration, and takes on a heavy question. Matric results are coming out soon - Gareth and Jack reflect on the importance of their school results in the context of their lives.
Read more30.11.23 Pt 2 - Kanthan Pillay has written a book called 'How to Fix South Africa: An Owner's Manual' - he launches it with a live audience at a special CliffCentral event. The team tackle simple solutions to complex problems, social grants, taxation, the NHI and more.
Read more07.04.22 Pt 1 - The team talks about a number of topics - from the petrol price increase, to basic income grants, land redistribution, and what that truly entails. JJ Cornish joins to give us the latest African news.
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