The father of communism and socialism, to some a wicked ideologue with the worst plans for social engineering; to others a heroic thinker who conceived of a freer, fairer world order. No matter what you think of him, Karl Marx’s shadow looms large in modern politics, in history, and in society today.

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No business is too small to be hacked! This week, Jaco Voigt discusses the business imperative – AI’s role in cyber security and the benefits of AI supplementing repeatable actions to help identify vulnerabilities. Social engineering, phishing, vulnerability scans, penetration testing, multi-factor authentication. If any of these words don't mean something to you in your business, take the time to listen to this podcast, as we establish that the two layer approach of firewalls and antivirus is insufficient to protect your business. Brought to you by Catalytic.

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24.06.21 Pt 1 - Phumi discusses a recent documentary about China's population curbing policy that has her completely astonished as to how it’s being carried out, and the consequences of it. Siya plugs the sweetest app, which brings you video calls from blind people all over the world, so you can help them with everyday tasks.

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