At the heart of almost all of a Smart City’s systems, is sustainability. This careful planning of infrastructure and the responsible use of resources means less impact on the environment, and an improved quality of life for residents. In this last episode of our Smart City series, we chat to a Singapore-based sustainability expert, Waterfall Management Company’s CEO and Attacq’s Senior Sustainability Manager about the sustainability plans being put in place today, as well as the trends that will shape cities of the future.

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City living generates a lot of waste and part of a Smart City’s job is to figure out just how to manage it all. In this episode, Waterfall Management Company’s GM, Piet Joubert and Attacq’s Sustainability Manager, Kyra Rautenbach, explain all about Waterfall’s plans to reduce its environmental impact through a combination of waste recycling and reuse. From our guest in Belgium, we learn about the ultimate waste management concept: Net Zero Waste.

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One of the worst parts of modern life has to be traffic! It raises blood pressure and lowers productivity, not to mention its environmental impact. It’s also one of the everyday problems that Smart Cities are putting the most effort into resolving. In this episode, Waterfall Management Company’s GM, Piet Joubert and Lourens du Toit, Development Manager: Bulk Infrastructure at Attacq, uncover some of Waterfall’s solutions for better mobility. We also hear from a European Smart City’s Vice-Mayor about long-term plans to make life better by improving pedestrian and bicycle access.

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Safety and security are a high priority for most people, and consequently, the need for a Smart City to deliver effective solutions for this aspect of life is vital. But it goes beyond security cameras - in this episode, Thys Redelinghuys, General Manager for the Waterfall Common Services Company, and Waterfall Management Company’s CEO, Willie Vos, explain how Waterfall is able to effectively manage the estate’s safety and security. We also speak to an Israeli expert about how a Smart City’s systems are able to handle everything from one person’s suspicious activity to natural disasters, and more.

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The CEO of Waterfall Management Company, Willie Vos chats to the team about the innovation and effort that his team have put into creating a “city within a city”, the international property awards they have won, and interesting facts about Waterfall City: The Future City.

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15.03.21 Pt 2 - “Please pass the soda” and “Welcome back to my channel” said in an American accent might be the new normal for the kids of today. Leigh-Ann sings her favourite 'Don’t be Suspicious' song. If you earn above R5000, guess what - you are in the top 40% of rich South Africans!

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