18.12.20 Pt 1 - Pediatric surgeons don't just fix the bumholes of children, have some respect! Boko Haram is really big on taking credit - it might not always be for the good, but they claim their actions. Norma Gigaba wasn't allowed in the bunker of her porn-addicted former husband's house. And an idea for the South African government: if you want a vaccine, maybe pay for it on time.

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16.10.20 Pt 1 - Did you know a Sleeping Jesus has a heaven? Not in Jerusalem... but weirdly in the suburbs of Johannesburg. How sad do you get if your actions don't get a reaction from people? Should you get botox in your 20s? How honest should you be with people? Yes Janine, you look fat in those jeans... be careful what you wish for people!

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12.10.20 Pt 1 - There is a version of spooning which won't help you sleep, believe it or not. There are now human sized webs and you are in danger... look out! When you reach a certain age, all of your orifices become no go zones. Richard Pryor did the dirty with The Don from The Godfather. And how do we feel about people who cry in movies?

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09.10.20 Pt 1 - Larry David is so hot, because he's so rich. His new lady is marrying him for money, and that's great. If someone is single, who do they think they are to have standards... this is why you're single Paul! Would you date a person who is basically Bubble Girl? And what kind of billionaire would you be?

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