It seems like Tesla isn't the only producer of a futuristic cybertruck, Serbia has their own version of Elon Musk. Is it smart to modify your car? In true French spirit, Citroen is revolutionising the driving age limit. And a dealership in Mexico City has made a mistake which could cost them billions in sales. Powered by AutoTrader.

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11.09.20 Pt 2 - Charlie Sheen's Tiger Blood hasn't prevented him from becoming an embarrassment to his family. Are there any child stars who end up being stable adults? Mpho Tshukudu joins us to discuss gut health and how we can improve it.

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11.09.20 Pt 1 - Are taxes any good if you don't get the direct rewards for paying? Sometimes you need negative reinforcement, you lazy bastard... get up! It's not 1856, why are we still using Skype? If you make the rules, should you have to follow them? If you have an 18 year affair, shouldn't we just call that a relationship? The Mol lifestyle isn't for everyone, a shrink said that.

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10.09.20 Pt 1 - You don't have to follow someone if you don't like them. Oprah has been like a yoyo in the waist region. If someone dies should that affect your TV watching habits? Donald Trump might win a Nobel Peace Prize, Clinton did and he did some stuff in the Oval office so why not? Is your hair important to you?

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09.09.20 Pt 2 - If you have gender reveal parties, should people care? Perhaps we should have IQ reveal parties, how would that affect social relations? Why do people expect gifts at weddings? Would you want to date someone smarter than you? Gangster grannies are a real thing in South Africa. And fried chicken suppresses the feelings.

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09.09.20 Pt 1 - We don't need more radio DJs, we need more teachers... which should lead to us needing fewer lawyers. Is 'living your best life' a philosophy or rubbish? If you had to look after another person's kids, would you throttle them? If we were in a world army, South Africa would be the cannon fodder.

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08.09.20 Pt 2 - Should we save money for the future, or should we just travel and live our best life? Donald Trump needs to check his nose for boogers. If you are a loudmouth aunt, you should speak last at funerals. If you married into money, Cyprus is selling citizenship... you just have to pray Greece doesn't want to go to war again any time soon.

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08.09.20 Pt 1 - We can send a man to the moon, but one cable can bring down a whole recording. Click's have now realised that hair is not worth the blow back. Are people getting triggered because it's justified or are we just bored? Are News anchors interesting? What does it take to be rich in South Africa?

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07.09.20 Pt 1 - Oprah has been known to tell people about living out their own truth. Well, Jessica Krug is living out her ‘Caribbean Bronzeness’, and it's incredible to watch. If you could have an alter ego, what would it be? Don't let anyone tell you that booze is bad for a baby!

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07.09.20 Pt 1 - You probably should test your roommate's reaction to pressure, because you may need them in an emergency. If you were to lose your dominant hand, which tasks would be impossible? Sisulu might be living in Nkandla-Lite. Your juice might kill you, be careful. Carole is ‘Baskin’ in her glory on the dancefloor. Don't comment on certain people's hair, you're one click from hell!

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