05.10.20 Pt 1 - It seems residents of New York are struggling to adapt to the fact that New York is a city that is now asleep. If you want to get rich, go and auction art on ships... you'll never have to protest in a beach mansion if you wield that maritime hammer. R Kelly nearly got shanked in jail, he probably wishes he could fly now. Which bands do you wish could get back together again?

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As we emerge from a global pandemic, small businesses will need our support even more. A home is the reflection of oneself, and if quality is at the centre of your life and home, Casa Italia Interiors has just opened their marquee store at Menlyn Mall. The father and son operation of Bala and Dushaan Pillay are ready to bring together quality, fashion and luxury to your home... with over 30 years of experience in the furniture industry, they are tried and tested.

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When purchasing a motor vehicle, what factors should you consider? Which cars are the most commonly hijacked and stolen in South Africa? If you want to lower your anxiety about your car being stolen, perhaps George Mienie has the car for you. When brands name their cars, should they consider international audiences... because MR2 in English is unsavoury in French! Powered by AutoTrader.

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02.10.20 Pt 2 - Donald Trump has tested positive for Covid-19, which inevitably means he will beat it because he's really really strong! If you were famous, would you think everyone should be nice to you all the time? What's in a name... do you look like your name, could you be a Gerald? Do people still vote for presidents who kiss babies?

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02.10.20 Pt 1 - The most brutal truth one can ever hear is that you are dull, dull, boring and dull. The fact is though, some people are just undeniably bland. Pavlov and Gareth Cliff have a lot in common, but Gareth uses toilet rolls instead of a bell. If you can't count, you are dumb, as Donald Trump might say... "You're biggly dumb!"

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01.10.20 Pt 1 - There is something to being the Anti-Oprah because good news isn't always the best news. Is politics the new religion? The US Presidential Debate was a reboot of Grumpy Old Men. Melania Trump showed a little bit of humanity and romance, she touched Donald's shoulder... what a saucy mama! And what is the logical argument for trucks?

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30.09.20 Pt 2 - If you are in a relationship, how important is it that you like the same shows as your partner? Everyone thinks they can cook - especially dads - but how famous is his ‘famous sauce’ really? The colloquial adjective 'lank' has survived Covid, praise be thy surfer talk. Did you know kids can start learning how to code at 4 years old? Lindiwe Matlali, Founder and CEO of Africa Teen Geeks joins us to discuss making maths and science cool for the kids.

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30.09.20 Pt 1 - There's a tick on my gooch, please help! Trump and Biden have started talking out loud on stage together - it's a mess. Useless superpowers are important... which ones are the best of the worst? Metallica is so 'prog' right now, make sure you convert people to the dark side. And we have a message from all South Africans for Richard Mdluli.

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29.09.20 Pt 2 - If you want a summer body, get a personal trainer like RBG had... he will even push your physical limits beyond the grave. If you hate someone, should they come to your funeral? The real tragedy of death is not being able to tell your first wife that she wasn't your favourite. Nqobile tells us about his online dating social experiment... and Blind History is back - this week we feature founding father George Washington.

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29.09.20 Pt 1 - Cyril is a serious cyclist, who knew? Do we all need to stop being so partisan to our identity politic, or can anyone who disagrees with us go to hell? Dear parents... WAP is no longer just a technology term. Warren Buffett is deadly boring, but he's filthy rich and that makes him attractive. Is Donald Trump the most thug President of all time?

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