16.10.20 Pt 2 - Is moving furniture around your house the height of OCD? As we all know, only the devil's children play Dungeons & Dragons. Dating a gamer means you'll always be second best. If your ex sees you while they're with their ex, do you cry in your car... or just drink your sorrows away in a dark room?

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16.10.20 Pt 1 - Did you know a Sleeping Jesus has a heaven? Not in Jerusalem... but weirdly in the suburbs of Johannesburg. How sad do you get if your actions don't get a reaction from people? Should you get botox in your 20s? How honest should you be with people? Yes Janine, you look fat in those jeans... be careful what you wish for people!

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Is the crypto space immune to real world volatility? Do investors get spooked by the risks involved with cryptocurrency? Is traditional market instability a blessing in disguise for alternative asset classes? Where are we in the maturation process of the crypto market? Is there a way to include your cryptocurrency PIN in your will? Revix co-founder Sean Sanders also reveals a rather red-faced moment as he transitioned from his previous career to this one.

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15.10.20 Pt 1 - It is now summer in the southern hemisphere, and people are thirsty out here, in every sense. If you are home by 10pm from a big night out, you are old. It seems the antichrist is a talk show queen. If you started a relationship in lockdown, and you're still in that relationship, just get married. Divorce is for rich people, the rest of us just suffer in misery. If you want to be happy... zithande!

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14.10.20 Pt 1 - If you are in the media, is it more important to get clicks or spell words correctly? What's it like to go onto a hit TV show as a guest? What is the challenge faced by people who are trying to lose weight? The Police are on Twitter, and Sting isn't happy about that. Amazon will deliver books to the moon soon. A billion dollars won't solve all of your problems, but it'll allow you to lay down your pipe... and ultimately that solves most of them.

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13.10.20 Pt 2 - Why would anyone believe Oprah over and above the word of their own father? And to be clear, that's your father the Lord God, and indeed your biological father - it seems Oprah trumps both for some. Are plants a gift or a burden? Blind History returns... and this week we feature South African titan Paul Kruger.

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13.10.20 Pt 1 - We have now been in lockdown long enough, why are people still on mute in meetings? Let's start a mute jar. The real question after the pandemic is... WHO should be accountable? The American Presidential Debate was cancelled, and the masses exhaled as they were saved from another disaster!

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12.10.20 Pt 2 - Is it possible to delete all of your data, or are you in the matrix for life once you have a cellphone? If we were to hear you flirt, would we think less or more of you? With lockdown ending, are booty calls being reignited? If you are on an awful first date, what's the right thing to do? Nicholas Clother-Sinclair then joins us to discuss a new way for single people to have authentic dates.

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12.10.20 Pt 1 - There is a version of spooning which won't help you sleep, believe it or not. There are now human sized webs and you are in danger... look out! When you reach a certain age, all of your orifices become no go zones. Richard Pryor did the dirty with The Don from The Godfather. And how do we feel about people who cry in movies?

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Car modification is all good and well, but do some go too far? In the '90s, you could add a safety element to your car which would keep even the bravest of criminals away. You will not believe the size of the largest speeding fine of all time... a regrettable 300km/h rush of blood to the head. Do people still drive manual cars? The car you drive creates an impression, but what kind of impression exactly? Powered by AutoTrader.

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