23.10.20 Pt 2 - If your friend is an embarrassment (and quite frankly a dickhead), how do you end that friendship? If you want to travel, which are the friendliest cities on Earth? If you fart at breakfast and everyone hears it, should you leave immediately? Laurel McCulloch of Pumpkin Patch fame joins us to discuss her life in lockdown in Australia.

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23.10.20 Pt 1 - What is the most you are willing to do in the search for the perfect Halloween costume? If you are trying to be sexy, try not to fart while wearing fishnet stockings. If only insurance could help with the wrath of a woman scorned! How have people dealt with friendships in lockdown?

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22.10.20 Pt 1 - If you have had challenges in lockdown, are there practical steps you can take to emerge gracefully from the pandemic? Is Portia de Rossi out of options, or is Ellen just aging too well despite being the dancing witch of daytime television? Thailand is open to travellers... if you have had a bad break-up, it's time to go and teach English in Asia to help you get your groove back like Stella. Should we respect political figures who wear leather jackets?

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21.10.20 Pt 2 - Is Los Angeles the best place in the world, or is it just a drug haven for street urchins? If you have been to America and stayed in a motel, there's a good chance Charles Manson slept in the bed. If you're flirting with someone, how long do you wait until you demand the next stage? Is lockdown making the citizens of Earth less sexually driven... or will porn fill that gap? Damian Wasowicz from Headway Gauteng joins us to speak about the virtual fundraising cycle tours which Headway have put together.

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21.10.20 Pt 1 - If your body 'runs hot' as they say, what are your options when enduring the African summer? Everyone had awful moments in school, whether it's soiling your pants or spanking the monkey in the bathroom... some moments define your life for eternity. The SABC expects Netflix subscribers to pay for a TV license - have we finally entered the 4th dimension of reality?

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20.10.20 Pt 2 - Siya is shaken by a discovery about a classic 1980s singer. Digital trails can sabotage the best intentions of ethical hackers, but they also help to catch the thieves. Agrizzi seems to have come down with a case of the (Schabir) ‘Shaiks’. How would you fake your own death? And this week’s Blind History takes a look at one of the most evil men who ever lived.

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20.10.20 Pt 1 - We've all been in that position in life where we need to decide whether or not we should give our underwear to charity... these are the questions that define the fabric of our society. Should there be a standard that determines that genital contact means you can't donate it?

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19.10.20 Pt 2 - If your Kobe beef isn't being served to you by a Japanese pornstar in a 5-storey porn theme park, are you actually taking life seriously or living on the fringes? Britney Spears' life is the real life Truman Show, but she can't find the door. If you won a billion dollars you should buy cinemas from the dead movie industry and have private screenings for your new, richer and better looking friends.

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19.10.20 Pt 1 - Evel Knievel's second coming might actually be shopping at Leigh-Ann's shopping centre... and that's 2020 for you. Neighbours can be a nightmare, some of them don't know how much though. How long can you keep booking bogus virtual meetings while actually napping, without getting caught out? If you are extremely beautiful, should you have to wear a mask - how will single people know who to talk to?

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If you desperately need a lift into town, what's the most outlandish thing you would do to make it happen? If a customer wants to test drive a car without the salesman, perhaps that should raise a red flag. How much sweat equity are people willing to put into their shopping for a new car? What are the craziest things people do while driving? Some countries have outlandish traffic laws... in some places, a filthy car costs you a pretty penny. Powered by AutoTrader.

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