11.12.20 Pt 1 - Is it good for us to filter everything our children consume, or should they just learn about everything as the world throws it at them? Frugality: we all know someone who takes it to an extreme. What's it like for an aged celebrity being told by youngsters that their parents are fans? And: is Hollywood dead?

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10.12.20 Pt 1 - If you speak a foreign language, should you use that as a pick-up line? Is sneezing into your mask the equivalent of pooping in your pants? Do South Africans need to learn how to cue? Are old people in Africa hogging all the jobs? South Africans want to go to Mars, how bad is planet Earth? Do parents secretly hate all children... including their own?

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09.12.20 Pt 2 - Instead of being a big city yuppie, go to a small town to get a new license and then you don't have to cry about the impending fines. What should we teach children in school which would be useful... unlike teaching them the capital of Uruguay. What is the collective noun for a group of Karens?

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09.12.20 Pt 1 - Just between us... how hard is marketing? Is there a reason why so few marketing people are funny? If you encounter bad spelling, does it affect your soul negatively? Have the aliens landed already? If the aliens are already here, why haven't they killed us yet?

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Manuel Rodrigues, CFO of African Operations and MD of Escolha Do Povo (EDP) Mozambique, has been announced as the overall winner of the 2020 Top 35-under-35 chartered accountants [CA(SA)] award. The 34-year-old always wanted to change the world but realised soon enough it’s not about the world as a whole, but rather about growth in small underprivileged communities. He therefore changed his philosophy of changing the world to changing their world, and he has certainly succeeded...

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08.12.20 Pt 2 - When you display your booty on the Gram, don't thank Jesus... he doesn't need that kind of energy in a pandemic year. Dr Anne Biccard joins the team to speak about the life of a trauma surgeon and her book, 'Saving a Stranger’s Life: The Diary of an Emergency Room Doctor'. Blind History this week features the man known as 'The Hammer of The Inquisition' - pure evil personified, Leyenda Negra himself, Tomás de Torquemada.

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08.12.20 Pt 1 - It's that time of year again folks... time to regift your gifts from three years ago. It is being said that if you are going to be the last partner in a relationship to survive, be the woman - men fall apart. Was Michael Jackson a monster or a genius? Are celebrities the best people to speak about social issues?

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07.12.20 Pt 2 - If you are in business, do you ever find yourself being extra grateful for a client who is more than just a transaction fee at the end of the month? Italy has its very own version of Jacob Zuma, but Silvio Berlusconi did it on a whole new level! If you lived in the 80s and 90s in Southern Africa, did you ever watch porn at hotels in Lesotho? Michael Mol then joins us to talk about his new Christian content subscription platform.

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07.12.20 Pt 1 - If there is someone in your home who is an alcoholic, would you ever know? Those boozebags have their tricks. Are people taking a chance as the year ends regarding taking time off? And Adolf Hitler has returned to run a ruling party, this time it's in Namibia.

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04.12.20 Pt 2 - There are jobs out there that don't need formal education and are in high demand. Would you ever buy a book that was bound with human skin? Siya gives the team the best reason on Earth not to bury your pet in your own yard. Imagine having a third leg... no not like that you sickos!

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