Call your parents or a relative you haven’t spoken to for a long time and sort out a feud that needs to be put to bed. Everyone has some ongoing feud that is doing them more damage than good. So for this week, call up the cousin you hate and wish them well for the new year. They might keep on being an arsehole, but you can start the year with a clear conscience and be the better person. That irritating old relative that nobody in the family likes? Phone them and say hi. Reconnect with an estranged parent. It might be one of the best things you ever do, or it could just be a noble gesture. Er, that’s it.

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05.01.21 Pt 2 - Ever since Jack Ma made a speech that went against the Chinese government's economic policies, he hasn't been seen… Where in the world is he? We’ve all embraced the idea of the influencer (or at the very least learned to tolerate it), but the team wonders what the rise of the Covid influencer says about society. Finally, Gen Z: are they just an ugly bunch of asexual betas? Article - The Kids are Not Alright: Generation Z Sexuality

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05.01.21 Pt 1 - The team tackles the question of how to let everyone know you’re an unhappy homophobe in an environment with 'too much gayness’ - options include email, voicenote or just burning people at the stake. There’s also a discussion about whether repairing family relations can also help your personal life in the bigger picture.

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04.01.21 Pt 2 - New Year celebrations might be behind us, but the fireworks debate rages on - are they even necessary in 2021, and do pet owners get to make the rules? The team chats about which place on Earth they would most want to visit, even if it meant having to be a stowaway to get there. Speaking of holidays, at what point does the guest list become too big - is going away with fifteen people still a holiday? Big wave surfer Frank Solomon joins the team to talk about his organisation, Sentinel Ocean Alliance, and the work they're doing with South Africa's coastal communities.

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04.01.21 Pt 1 - Having just lived through the weirdest of holiday seasons, complete with curfews and alcohol ban, the team wonders how people will feel about working in December 2021 - and if big holidays will still be a thing going forward. Healthcare workers have a tough gig, but right now they may just be in the sweet spot of all sweet spots. And camper vans: the ultimate holiday freedom, or just a shambolic mess?

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23.12.20 Pt 2 - This holiday season, remember that it’s better to be smart than safe - especially as you choose who to party with, because some people just don't know their limits. The team ends this pandemic-cursed year with a look forward to 2021.

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23.12.20 Pt 1 - On the eve of Christmas Eve, the team chats Yuletide spirit, the non-negotiables of Christmas lunch, and decoration theory: is more always more? Then it’s back to the harsh realities of living with Coronavirus, and the risk of being unfriended if you drive with your mask on.

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22.12.20 Pt 2 - The team believes that, as we get older, we begin to feel more and more like guests every time we visit our parents’ home - and they need to be more accommodating. It seems you can't get a fishing license just to tan on the beach. Tim Richman joins the team to discuss his new book “50 People Who F****d Up South Africa”.

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22.12.20 Pt 1 - Machines don’t make mistakes, and (with all due respect), you're the idiot if you forget your password. The team chats about which Christmas traditions are non-negotiable. Sam Smith is undergoing a transition and has a tricky request - because it needs a womb in order to be fulfilled. And pilots: heroes of the sky, or glorified bus drivers?

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21.12.20 Pt 2 - Have you considered whether or not the Covid vaccine is Halal? It’s important at this point to recognise that the word “pork” means many things. Turns out Barack Obama likes South African music, while Sasha Obama has hood tendencies. Heard of Miriam Rodríguez? She’s a Mexican mash up of Rambo and Batman. How much would you pay to destroy something to which Donald Trump is linked?

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