02.08.21 Pt 1 - Mbulelo thinks the Springboks are an economic game changer … win or lose! We get a glimpse of what Leigh-Ann will be like in 20 years, and should you quit because of your mental health?

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29.07.21 Pt 1 - Simone Biles pulling out of the Tokyo Olympic Games due to mental health has the team fired up on whether this is something to praise, or an excuse to not perform. Where are most people in their lockdown cycle … still baking bread?

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28.07.21 Pt 1 - The worst patients are the ones who walk in with their own diagnosis - like Flax. Mbulelo’s pragmatism extends to birthday presents: he only wants money deposited into his bank account. Sean Sanders then joins the guys to give them the latest cryptocurrency news.

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