18.09.20 Pt 1 - Stop complaining about Apple, the products are fine, you can ignore phone calls now too. Is Silicon Valley biased to Biden? Self-awareness is a win... not just for you, it's a win for everyone. As humankind discovers the eye of the serpent, South Africa is still filling minibus taxis with the devil's lettuce. October 2020 is the time to travel - the pandemic gates are open globally and it's affordable.

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Wherever you are in the world, Silicon Valley has led the charge when it comes to setting the standard of entrepreneurship the world over... including what work culture looks like, and how systems are created. But have they slipped up when it comes to innovation? That’s a thought Alexandre Lazarow expands on in his new book, ‘Out-Innovate: How Global Entrepreneurs--from Delhi to Detroit--Are Rewriting the Rules of Silicon Valley’. Gareth has a conversation about innovation in business with this author and venture capitalist.

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