30.08.21 Pt 1 - Going to renew your driver’s licence? Gareth shares some helpful tips on how to survive that ordeal. Mbulelo is excited that ‘summertime’ is just around the corner... and Dr Hanan Bushkin shares some tips on how to deal with toxic parents.

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21.12.20 Pt 1 - The South African beach restrictions debate rages on! It’s been a year that’s driven us to drink, but seriously - it’s 2020. should we still be engaging in drinking competitions? Hypothetically speaking, if the US President and his entourage are killed, is there a backup plan for someone else to keep lying to us? And finally - sometimes leftovers just taste better.

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07.12.20 Pt 1 - If there is someone in your home who is an alcoholic, would you ever know? Those boozebags have their tricks. Are people taking a chance as the year ends regarding taking time off? And Adolf Hitler has returned to run a ruling party, this time it's in Namibia.

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26.10.20 Pt 1 - Sihle Zikalala and the government are threatening to take Christmas away from South Africans. What is now clear is that corporates cannot deal with even an ounce of controversy. An 11-year-old has put her list together for Santa... and it's amazing. If Slovenia gets the US launch codes, it will be because Donald let the enemy in.

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