MKT gives us his top five list of the biggest traitor moves in Football history. Rafa Benitez is the Everton Manager now, should fans of Liverpool just accept that and be happy for him? Which accent is the sexiest in the world? James' ex left his heart in pieces and it makes for great content... repressed memories alway do.

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11.11.20 Pt 2 - Stephen Fry is delivering history in a fashion that's fun. Harry and Meghan... are they just attention-seeking slobs, or are they living their best life? Is Queen Elizabeth the last hope of a united Britain? Imagine being married to someone with Covid-19, how would that go? Cocaine gave us psychoanalysis and great thriller literature, so let's not be too hard on Colombia's finest. FYI: Avoiding the doctor doesn't mean you're not sick. And is the woke mob destroying the planet? Find out in our new feature - The Alternative.

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